Sunday, November 16, 2008

Thanksgiving pies

For Thanksgiving, I will be making a variety of pies. Delivery will be on November 25th or 26th and we will offer free delivery in Austin. After looking at other pie offerings on Craigslist, I think our prices are very competitive. All pies are 9".

Our pies contain no margarine, shortening or corn syrup. Just ingredients your great-grandmother would have used. Even the crusts are homemade. Organic versions are available for added cost.

Pumpkin or Buttermilk Pie: $14
Pecan or French-Canadian Apple: $16


cheri said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! i'm so glad you took the plunge and i can't *wait* to taste your amazing pies.

Ama x four said...

You go, Girl! Wonderful venture for a SAHM! Jay always wanted to put me up in a taco stand! This sounds like way more fun! Do you do mail delivery? I would love some of your shortbread treats or ginger cookies for our Christmas guests.

Best of luck.